After so many discussions on identifying the types of marketing opportunities and substitutes for Pester Power, we now look at the most important which is nothing but the purchase process. As such it is very important for the marketers to identify the cross relation between the Product's involvement and the brand preferences for the product as specified by the customer.
Let us now understand it conceptually by focusing on the "Pester Power Influence Matrix" for all the product varities and understand how it affects the Pester Agents in finally concluding their purchase process.

The Matrix is specific to the Indian consumers and it is quite peculiar to find atleast some products in each of the quadrants for any of the product variety. Thus, we find that for the Pester Agents, i.e., the young children, the products having high brand preference and high brand influence includes, Gizmo's, Games, Movies etc. As such from the previous blogs also we find from the sales figures that these product ranges command maximum expenditure from the Indian children in general and Tweens in particular.
Some of the important inferences that one can infer from this Matrix includes:
- Identifying the product tyes having the Lowest Brand Preference- Lowest Influence and thereby not wasting the advertsing expenditure on targeting the young children.
- Identifying the High Brand Preference - High Influence category and thereby thereby targeting exclusively these children in order to make them like our brand and become loyal to our brand.
- Identifying High Influence - Low Brand Preference criteria and positioning our new brand or re-positioning our already existing products thereby making the purchase process and long term loyalty also being developed.
- Identifying the products or services with a low influence and high brand preference, so that the marketers can then keep working on making the product
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