Kids' channels have possibly not lost as much advertising revenue as other genres would have in a slowing market.

According to Mr Purnendu Bose, Chief Operating Officer, Hungama TV, the fact that Indian cable and satellite homes are largely single television homes explains the children's power on the buying decisions.
This has prompted a number of non-traditional advertisers to come aboard kids' channels. Cartoon Network, which has been around for nine years, has had a run of a wide range of advertisers including the unusual ones such as BPCL, Samsung, Citibank,Maruti Esteem, All Out and Haldirams.
Financial services company and a feminine hygiene brand are some of the atypical advertisers on children's channel indicating that this genre of broadcasters space has gone beyond children. This is a clear indicative of the fact that the children have a great influence on the products that they don't even use. Among those unusual advertisers on Hungama TV include Ad Pens, Linc Pens, D'Damas, ICICI Pru Life, HPCL,Santoor Soaps and Asian Paints.

- The products that get the visibility among the children and favorably accepted in their deeper conscience have a lot of recall and definitely will lead to repeat purchase.
- Parents majorly want to keep their children happy and tend to buy the products the children, pester for, provided atleast the products has some basic utility score.
- Given a choice between a range of products for the same use, parents would choose the product that the children prefer, since there are no great differences between the products in its uses.
As this Santoor soap advertisement shows, the child wants her mother to have a glowing and shining skin and since the marketers target this message of glowing skin through the Mother, it has greater chances of making an impact.
At Animax Channel, the process of advertising sales has just commenced. Having allowed its target audience to sample the channel, Animax is now creating an awareness of its own brand by organising workshops on animation for children.
While most channels continue to look at day parts for advertising sales, Cartoon Network has restructured it around programming strength. Instead of day part sales, it has four main blocks - blockbuster toons, prime toons, super toons and wonder toons. Programmes with the highest TVRs fall under the blockbuster category.
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