Now we shall focus on the following topics:
1. Parenting from the traditional Indian Scenario.
2. Changing characteristics of parenting in the present scenario and to identify the causes and effects.
3. To identify if there is any similarity or paradigm shift in parenting culture of NRIs settled abroad.
Traditional Indian Parenting: Traditionally Indian parenting revolv

- Marriage
- Place of work
- Type of work
- Religious Ceremonies
Present Scenario:
In present day scenario the things look quite different. We find that, there has seriously been a paradigm shift. The children feel, they have a lot of freedom and independence and try to achieve whatever they admire.Even here there are a few cases wherein, Hyper-Parenting works like:
- The school where the child joins.
- Arranging for tuition classes.
Let us now try to identify the causes and the effects of such paradigm shift in the behavior of the Indian parents. Firstly, the increasing awareness about everything in general through mass media has made the people to think in more broader sense. Secondly, the growing economy with higher growth potential in not one, but many sectors, increased the people's opportunity in any sector that they want to work with. For eg: the cliche of India people thinking that only Government jobs are lucrative has been demurred with the growing opportunity and pay of software jobs. Thirdly, in many houses both the parents themselves have started working, thereby the amount of time that they spend with their children is reduced and even if not both parents are working, the "quality time" spent has reduced for sure. One reason can be the growing proliferation of TV Serials!
Well, then what about the NRIs ? How are their parenting characteristics looking like ? We shall find out in the next post , the Behavior of Indian NRI parents and how that varies with the Present Indian Scenario and even with the present scenario in foreign countries.
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