The Nimhsa Logic:Let me start with clearing the common query. Many people have asked me what does my display name "nimhsa" represent. Some thoughtfuls have partly identified a relation between ASHWIN and NIMHSA. They inquisitively told me that I have written my name in reverse, but instead of writing NIWHSA (which could be the exact reverse), I have replaced 'W' with 'M'. I am happy that some had better observational skills, though the logic doesn't end there!!
Carefully follow the instructions:
- Take a piece of paper, a 'bit' sized one used for examination is sufficient.
- Write ASHWIN on the piece of paper.
- Now turn the paper through 180 degrees, i.e., turn the paper upside down.
- Now a bit of imagination is required. Imagine that 'A inverted' at the end is alone turned through 180 degrees.
- Hurray! This is how the name is obtained.
Rules for the Logic:
- The alphabet is symmetrical about either horizontal or vertical axes.
- If condition 1 is not satisfied, the split part of the alphabet must be the inverted image of the other split part of the alphabet about the axis. eg:'N', 'S'
- The alphabet must be symmetrical about both the axis. eg: 'H', 'I', 'O', 'X'
- If condition 1 is satisfied and condition 3 is violated, the alphabet must be some other alphabet when inverted. eg: 'M', 'W'
- The comprehensive list includes the alphabets H, I, M, N, O, S, W, X.
All copyrights reserved for the usage of this logic. Restrain from using "The Nimhsa Logic".